Welcome Member!


You are about to embark on an exciting journey of getting to know yourself, with the goal of meeting a lifelong partner! Be proud of yourself for taking a step of faith, and investing in your future. Everyone deserves happiness, and dating is not always easy.  We would like to remove some of the stress for you by assisting you in your journey of meeting a suitable match. Sometimes, you need an extra pair of eyes to observe potential hindrances, obstacles, or even blessings!


Remember, no one is perfect or free from flaws. Please try to remain open to critique, suggestions, and to the experience of your matchmaker. This is a team effort! Your matchmaker will utilize the necessary tools in finding a match suitable to your needs and desires. You must do the rest, with coaching, if needed. Please allow up to 6 months for your matchmaker to find a match. This is not a race to your heart. Finding a life partner takes time and effort on the part of your matchmaker; it is a serious task.


Safety is our number one priority for you and your potential match(es). Please feel free to voice any concerns about yourself and/or your potential match(es) along the way. Being proactive is key to avoiding any issues that may present a problem later. Once a match is made, your matchmaker will monitor the relationship for 60 days by following up via phone, email, text or even an in-person meeting with you and your match. Are you ready?